Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is God Biased?

If we were to look at a few examples of where God appears most biased we may definitely agree that salvation is on the border of fair and unfairness.  According to the bible, we are to love and worship God with all of our heart and soul. At the end of life, we are judged according to our conduct in life. We may enter heaven by the grace of God and acceptance of Christ our Savior.  But, what if we have no knowledge of God or the bible? How are we then judged? Logically speaking, it appears judgment is biased toward those who have knowledge of God and His Word. This presents several problems. Is it fair to be judged based on our knowledge God and the bible? Why then are those of faith held accountable? Some believe that only certain people have a calling to God. What does that really mean? Is God biased toward certain individuals? I’ve heard that eventually everyone will get a chance to acknowledge and submit to God. Thus, judgment is on hold until everyone is given a chance to know and accept God (Jesus).  I would be interested in understanding the purpose in creating humans who have no access to the bible or the Lord’s message (if our sole purpose is to serve God)?  At times, trying to understand God is a complete mystery.  
Btw, I asked my eight year old son the question about those who have no access to religion or the bible and he responded rather cleverly that we should spread the word to those of distant lands. With no religious background, his response was very logical, but what if we can’t get to those people?  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Omniscience God?

What is an omniscience God? There are many arguments I struggle to comprehend, particularly with a God who knows everything. Also known as omniscience. If God knows everything then He knows the answer to all of our questions and the choices we make. In this respect, we are living a senseless life simply because everything is predetermined.  From my understanding, God does not want obedient robots to worship and love him. In reality, we are preprogrammed (our birth, not necessariy every event in our lives). From God’s perspective, He has all the necessary knowledge of who we are. God knows exactly what we will think and do. His creation is the universal map. Do we have the freedom to choose?
If God is omniscience we may conclude the following: 1) Some things are predetermined, 2) There is no purpose attached to our life; perhaps we are here for God’s entertainment, 3) God allows us to make choices, regardless of Him knowing the outcome(s) 4) God is not testing us because He already knows the outcome.  5) There is no judgment at the end of life; why judge someone if you already know the outcome. The outcome of any judgment is for our understanding and purpose only.
Hopefully, my analogy will not lead anyone to assume we should act without thought or moral code. What I meant by “senseless life” is that there is no relevance in life from a God that knows everything (past, present, and future). I question what relevance are we to God if he knows everything? Perhaps, we only have relevance to each other.  
Note: I really want to stress the point about so called “tests” from God. The only reason to test something is to understand or acknowledge an UNKNOWN outcome. Simply put, there are no tests for God; If we are being tested then from what perspective or purpose?

Let’s look at another analogy of an omniscient God (btw, my next point here could fall under the discussion of God being biased). If God knows everything how come He does not put a stop to people (newborns) who will do more harm than good in life?  Is it to show that He loves us equally at birth despite what we become at a mature age, thus proving his love is unconditional at birth. So, why is the Lord’s Love (compassion) conditional in other cases? Take for example, children who are born with deficiencies. Why does the Lord place a stipulation on how much he loves these babies who are born with a condition? What purpose does that serve? Yes, perhaps the Lord can still love a newborn unconditionally despite a deficiency or in the sense He allows the newborn to cont with his or her existence. I see it as a condition placed upon those who are born with a disability. Perhaps the Lord has no input or connection in the development of a fetus born under such a condition. Are the conditions I described part of the Lord’s strategy in seeking Him closer or a way of testing humans in their ability to accept those who are born with a birth defects?  I think I’m getting into why does God allow suffering to exist, but I trying to stay on track with the topic of God and omniscience.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Believing the Bible

According to Richard Dawkins “The God Delusion”, many accept the bible as an accurate account of historical findings—the literal truth. I am interested in understanding how believers accept the bible as the literal truth despite the glaring inaccuracies.  How does one justify so many contradictions? What about the legendary (miracles, virgin birth,  resurrection, etc), many of these accounts are found in other forms of religion and mythology of the Mediterranean and Eastern regions. I could go on and on here.  I am not trying to attack anyone as I don’t thrive on confrontation, but I am interested in the psychology or reasoning behind what drives people to accept the bible for what it is. Is a decision based on blind faith or is there any reasoning involved?  In any case, should we trust a book that was written and translated thousands of years ago with no authorship?  If someone handed me a book and tells me that my salvation depends on XYZ (written word of the bible), I think I am going to dig a little deeper and do my own research to get the bottom of the truth.