Saturday, May 14, 2011

Believing the Bible

According to Richard Dawkins “The God Delusion”, many accept the bible as an accurate account of historical findings—the literal truth. I am interested in understanding how believers accept the bible as the literal truth despite the glaring inaccuracies.  How does one justify so many contradictions? What about the legendary (miracles, virgin birth,  resurrection, etc), many of these accounts are found in other forms of religion and mythology of the Mediterranean and Eastern regions. I could go on and on here.  I am not trying to attack anyone as I don’t thrive on confrontation, but I am interested in the psychology or reasoning behind what drives people to accept the bible for what it is. Is a decision based on blind faith or is there any reasoning involved?  In any case, should we trust a book that was written and translated thousands of years ago with no authorship?  If someone handed me a book and tells me that my salvation depends on XYZ (written word of the bible), I think I am going to dig a little deeper and do my own research to get the bottom of the truth.   

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