Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Dinner Buffet

As I was stuffing myself at the buffet tonight, I suddenly felt a bit of guilt come across my conscience. Here, I am able to eat as much food as possible, yet there are children starving in the world. I normally eat with my "partner in crime", but tonight I ate alone and perhaps that is the reason I am feelt guilty. With a moment of peace, I am able to reflect on how good I really have it. No, I am by no means rich or even near wealthy. In my perspective, I live a well-balanced life. I can afford to buy most things, but I do need watch my budget. My wife is able to stay home with the kids, so we have enough income to support the family. Latley, I have been thinging about helping children in need of education. Perhaps, when I retire I'll make trip to Africa and teach. I believe I can give more to society.. than my money for dinner buffets. I ask: Do we all owe a little something back to society?

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